USD     Bought: 94.61 | Sold: 95.60
EUR     Bought: 98.81 | Sold: 99.50
CHF     Bought: 103.82 | Sold: 105.90
GBP     Bought: 118.43 | Sold: 120.90
AUD     Bought: 58.21 | Sold: 61.97
CAD     Bought: 64.50 | Sold: 69.85
USD     Bought: 94.61 | Sold: 95.60
EUR     Bought: 122.81| Sold: 123.59
CHF     Bought: 103.82 | Sold: 105.90
GBP     Bought: 118.43 | Sold: 120.90
AUD     Bought: 58.21 | Sold: 61.97
CAD     Bought: 64.50 | Sold: 69.85

Business purpose

Advanced Stadarts to Qualitatively Manage Your Financial Future! Our financial institution, at the center of its activity, has people and trust. The expression of accountability, seriousness, professionalism and integrity in AK-Invest's activity increases clients and partners' confidence and preserves the image and goodwill of AK- Invest sh.a.